Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 13 Hair care Journey

Just got done shampooing and conditioning my hair.
Day 13 (Hair care Journey) woot! Its so funny how I get so geeked up over the smallest thing in my life at times.
Today I was thrilled to finally feel like I'm able to some what straighten my long hair using no heat what so ever and tossing the flat iron aside for yet day 13! I was able to semi straighten my hair with worthy some results doing a simple combing down and pointing the cold air of my hair dryer (my old one the one I got in January died on me remember!!!) I electric taped my cold air button down so all I ever get is cold air no heat. I go and do this quick simple step just on the front of my hair both sides (the bangs) and let everything air dry after that. I don't care if it takes a while for it to al air dry in the end its so worth it if it means healthier hair.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 11 of my Hair (care) Journey

Day 11 of my Hair (care) Journey

And I must say (and I never give myself compliments believe me)
That today I'm having one of them "Damn...> My hair looks good today!!"
I swear it does, it looks totally awesome dare I say so myself, lol.
I'm thinking that this is motivating me even more with this hair journey.
My hair today after washing it (and giving it yet another coconut oil treatment over night -
Is so smooth and  soft, just wonderful, I love the touch and feel of it, so very nice.
I also wanted to add that the other day over this past weekend I kept thinking
"gee, I really wish I could purchase me a silk (110 percent) pillow case."
I will jot down below a link to explain the many benefits of silk pillowcases)
But as life goes sometimes funds are not there to do so.
So instead what do I do? well, I go and use my head and am creative and I make what I'd like to call my "make shift silk pillowcase"
and I tell you what I took a 100 percent SILK expensive robe and didn't even have to sew it,
as I folded it and intertwined it over my favorite soft comfy pillow, and woo-la! Its a silk pillowcase!
Let me tell you it really is true what a difference a silk pillowcase makes not only to hair but I'm talking in comfort and as well how nice it feels against the skin.  So at a later date (when  have the funds) I def will be buying a silk pillowcase in my prefered color. Did I mention the make shift pillowcase I made was black, red and silver, I am not a fan at all of red lol. But you make due when its for beautys sake right? lol

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hair Journey Day 9

So today is day 9 (Nine) of my Hair Journey Adventure.
Sure wish I'd come up with a better name for this lol.
But that's nether here or there as they say.
So today bought a bottle of head and shoulders in hopes it will also add to my treatments toward a healthier scalp, see my trouble is with dry scalp that I want to use this shampoo. I ve read he zinc in it is awesome for both scalp and believe it or not hair growth (In aiding it to grow better and a bit faster). So today was day 1 of using that shampoo.
I also did another HOT coconut treatment, left in my hair for a god two hours, even at end added a little Apple cider vinegar rinse.
The warmed up coconut oil feels "OOOooh sooooo good" on the scalp.
I continue to take my selected vitamins so far so good with no drawbacks.
So we shall see. Thats all for now. Chow.

I ve always adored Actress Jane Seymour ^ I love to that she's always kept her Longer hair even thou people tell her she's to old for it, I dare say NOT< She looks fab with it, goes to show you can be over 40, 50, 60 and still carry off long hair. Shes an inspiration.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Well I def think I want to take this hair journey and my goal is to get it healthy and if posible grow it longer by next summer June.
Yes, this will indeed be fun as well. So I plan on taking dif vit, like today is gonna be first day of taking the new "folic acid" and ill also include a fresh new bottle I had put away of the "Biotin" along with whatever else I been taking. I'll continue once or twice a week doing the coconut Oil treatment as well. That stuff is the holy grail I tell ya!!!! Love it!!!
I did a leave in treatment of the oil yesterday afternoon, and today my hair fels so luxury and soft (love it) I could play with it all day lol.
Well, thats all for now, chow and oh yes.....TGIF!

Today my newest tribal bracelete is due to arrive in my mailbox.
Just in time the other one I love won't adjust right, i wanna cry don't know if i'll be able to put it back on. Where ya tie and untie is screwed up, and I was being really careful with it. here's a pic of new one (sup to arrive today)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

New Hair Journey

Its me.
I'm excited got my bottle of "Folic Acid" 400 mcg
I will began taking these tomorrow.
On a journey to get healthier hair, and this is a key to that as well.
Along with my coconut oil treatments, and not using any hot air on it
I will start drying it with cool air or just letting it air dry natrally.
I may still flat iron just the very few front strands as I cannot stand it being wavey.
But all in all will start taking better care of it and see where I end up with in months down the road. We shall see.
I'm going to also be doing lots of research thru the www (world wide web). Always helpfull.
I'm excited!